Class ScheduleItem


ScheduleItem contains a set of AgentCommitments (e.g. calendar events) as well as the creator of the ScheduleItem and some date information.

OSID Version: 2.0

Licensed under the org.osid.SidImplementationLicenseMIT.

Located in /harmoni/oki2/osid/scheduling/ScheduleItem.php (line 18)

Direct descendents
Class Description
HarmoniScheduleItem ScheduleItem contains a set of AgentCommitments (e.g. calendar events) as well as the creator of the ScheduleItem and some date information.
Method Summary
void addAgentCommitment (object Id $agentId, mixed $agentStatus, object Type $agentStatus )
void changeAgentCommitment (object Id $agentId, mixed $agentStatus, object Type $agentStatus )
string getDescription ()
string getDisplayName ()
int getEnd ()
object Properties getPropertiesByType (mixed $propertiesType, object Type $propertiesType )
int getStart ()
void updateDescription (mixed $description, string $description )
void updateDisplayName (mixed $displayName, string $displayName )
void updateEnd (mixed $end, int $end )
void updateStart (mixed $start, int $start )
void updateStatus (mixed $status, object Type $status )
addAgentCommitment (line 432)

Add an Agent commitment to this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, UNKNOWN_ID, UNKNOWN_TYPE, ALREADY_ADDED
void addAgentCommitment (object Id $agentId, mixed $agentStatus, object Type $agentStatus )

Redefined in descendants as:
changeAgentCommitment (line 404)

Change a previously added Agent commitment for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, UNKNOWN_ID, UNKNOWN_TYPE
void changeAgentCommitment (object Id $agentId, mixed $agentStatus, object Type $agentStatus )

Redefined in descendants as:
getAgentCommitments (line 377)

Get all the Agent commitments for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object AgentCommitmentIterator getAgentCommitments ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getCreator (line 236)

Get the unique Id of the Agent that created this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object Id getCreator ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getDescription (line 213)

Get the description of this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
string getDescription ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getDisplayName (line 190)

Get the DisplayName of this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
string getDisplayName ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getEnd (line 282)

Get the End for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
int getEnd ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getId (line 167)

Get the unique Id for this ScheduleItem. The unique Id is set when the ScheduleItem is created.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object Id getId ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getMasterIdentifier (line 331)

Get the Master Identifier for this ScheduleItem. A Master Identifier is a key, rule, or function that can be used to associated more than one ScheduleItem together. An example can be recurring items where each recurring item has the same Master Identifier.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
string getMasterIdentifier ()

Redefined in descendants as:
  • HarmoniScheduleItem::getMasterIdentifier() : Get the Master Identifier for this ScheduleItem. A Master Identifier is a key, rule, or function that can be used to associated more than one ScheduleItem together. An example can be recurring items where each recurring item has the same Master Identifier.
getProperties (line 484)

Get the Properties associated with this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object PropertiesIterator getProperties ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getPropertiesByType (line 461)

Get the Properties of this Type associated with this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT, UNKNOWN_TYPE
object Properties getPropertiesByType (mixed $propertiesType, object Type $propertiesType )

Redefined in descendants as:
getPropertyTypes (line 354)

Get all the Property Types for ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object TypeIterator getPropertyTypes ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getStart (line 259)

Get the Start for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
int getStart ()

Redefined in descendants as:
getStatus (line 305)

Get the Status Type for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED
object Type getStatus ()

Redefined in descendants as:
updateDescription (line 66)

Get the description of this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT
void updateDescription (mixed $description, string $description )
  • string $description

Redefined in descendants as:
updateDisplayName (line 41)

Update the DisplayName of this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT
void updateDisplayName (mixed $displayName, string $displayName )
  • string $displayName

Redefined in descendants as:
updateEnd (line 116)

Update the End for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT
void updateEnd (mixed $end, int $end )
  • int $end

Redefined in descendants as:
updateStart (line 91)

Update the Start for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT
void updateStart (mixed $start, int $start )
  • int $start

Redefined in descendants as:
updateStatus (line 143)

Update the Status Type for this ScheduleItem.

  • access: public
  • throws: object SchedulingException An exception with one of the following messages defined in org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown: OPERATION_FAILED, PERMISSION_DENIED, CONFIGURATION_ERROR, UNIMPLEMENTED, NULL_ARGUMENT, UNKNOWN_TYPE
void updateStatus (mixed $status, object Type $status )

Redefined in descendants as:

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