TypeIterator provides access to these objects sequentially, one at a time.
The purpose of all Iterators is to to offer a way for OSID methods to return multiple values of a common type and not use an array. Returning an array may not be appropriate if the number of values returned is large or is fetched remotely. Iterators do not allow access to values by index, rather you must access values in sequence. Similarly, there is no way to go backwards through the sequence unless you place the values in a data structure, such as an array, that allows for access by index. To maximize reuse and implementation substitutability, it is important not to reference a class in one OSID implementation directly in another. Interfaces should be used and new called only on objects in the implementation package. To avoid binding a specific implementation of Shared to a specific implementaiton of some other OSID, implementations TypeIterator and the other primitative-type Iterators should reside in each OSID that requires them and not in an implementation of Shared. For example, if an implementation of org.osid.logging.LoggingManager needs a class that implements org.osid.shared.StringIterator, the class should be in the package implementing Logging.
<p> OSID Version: 2.0 </p>
<p> Licensed under the org.osid.SidImplementationLicenseMIT. </p>
Located in /harmoni/oki2/osid/shared/TypeIterator.php (line 34)
Return true if there is an additional Type ; false otherwise.
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:27:35 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3