Class DateAndTime


I represent a point in UTC time as defined by ISO 8601. I have zero duration.

My implementation uses two Integers and a Duration:

  • jdn - julian day number.
  • seconds - number of seconds since midnight.
  • offset - duration from UTC.
To create new DateAndTime instances, use one of the static instance-creation methods, NOT 'new DateAndTime':

    Located in /harmoni/core/Primitives/Chronology/DateAndTime.class.php (line 72)

    Direct descendents
    Class Description
    StorableTime This is the StorablePrimitive equivalent of Time.
    TimeStamp This represents a duration of 0 length that marks a particular point in time.
    Variable Summary
    Method Summary
    integer asSeconds ()
    integer day ()
    integer dayOfMonth ()
    integer dayOfWeek ()
    string dayOfWeekName ()
    integer dayOfYear ()
    ingteger daysInMonth ()
    ingteger daysInYear ()
    ingteger daysLeftInYear ()
    object DateAndTime epoch ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    integer firstDayOfMonth ()
    object DateAndTime fromString (string $aString, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    string hmsString ()
    integer hour ()
    integer hour12 ()
    integer hour24 ()
    boolean isEqualTo (object $comparand)
    boolean isLeapYear ()
    boolean isLessThan (object $comparand)
    integer julianDayNumber ()
    string mdyString ()
    object DateAndTime midnight ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object minus (object $operand)
    integer minute ()
    integer month ()
    string monthAbbreviation ()
    integer monthIndex ()
    string monthName ()
    object DateAndTime noon ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime now ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime plus (object $operand)
    string printableString ([mixed $printLeadingSpaceToo = FALSE])
    integer second ()
    array ticks ()
    void ticksOffset (array $ticks, object Duration $utcOffset)
    string timeZoneName ()
    object DateAndTime today ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime tomorrow ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime utcOffset (mixed $anOffset, object Duration $aDuration)
    object DateAndTime withDateAndTime (optional $aDate, mixed $aTime, [mixed $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withJulianDayNumber (integer $aJulianDayNumber, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withOffset (mixed $anOffset, object Duration $aDuration)
    void withYearDay (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withYearDayHourMinuteSecond (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withYearDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, object Duration $aDurationOffset, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    void withYearMonthDay (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinute (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, object Duration $aDurationOffset, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    integer year ()
    object DateAndTime yesterday ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    string ymdString ([mixed $printLeadingSpaceToo = FALSE])
    void _normalize (array $ticks, integer $i, integer $base)
    integer $jdn (line 85)
    • var: JulianDateNumber
    • since: 5/11/05
    • access: private
    object Duration $offset (line 99)
    • var: The offset from UTC
    • since: 5/11/05
    • access: private
    integer $seconds (line 92)
    • var: Seconds this day
    • since: 5/11/05
    • access: private
    asDate (line 1294)

    Answer a Date that represents this object

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Date asDate ()
    asDateAndTime (line 1306)

    Answer a DateAndTime that represents this object

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime asDateAndTime ()
    asDuration (line 1318)

    Answer a Duration that represents this object, the duration since midnight.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    object Duration asDuration ()
    asLocal (line 1330)

    Answer a DateAndTime that represents the object, but at local time.

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime asLocal ()
    asMonth (line 1347)

    Answer the month that represents this date's month

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Month asMonth ()
    asSeconds (line 1359)

    Return the number of seconds since the Squeak epoch.

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    integer asSeconds ()
    asTime (line 1372)

    Answer a Time that represents our time component

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Time asTime ()
    asTimeStamp (line 1384)

    Answer a Timestamp that represents this DateAndTime

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object TimeStamp asTimeStamp ()

    Redefined in descendants as:
    asUTC (line 1396)

    Answer a DateAndTime equivalent to the reciever, but at UTC (offset = 0)

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    asWeek (line 1408)

    Answer the week that represents this date's week

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Week asWeek ()
    asYear (line 1420)

    Answer the year that represents this date's year

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Year asYear ()
    atMidnight (line 653)

    Answer the date and time at midnight on the day of the receiver.

    • since: 5/25/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime atMidnight ()
    atNoon (line 665)

    Answer noon on the day of the reciever

    • since: 5/25/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime atNoon ()
    clockPrecision (line 113)

    One second precision.

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object Duration clockPrecision ()
    day (line 677)

    Answer the day

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer day ()
    dayMonthYearArray (line 693)

    Return an array with the following elements:

    'dd' => day of the year 'mm' => month 'yyyy' => year

    The algorithm is from Squeak's DateAndTime>>dayMonthYearDo: method.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    array dayMonthYearArray ()
    dayOfMonth (line 714)

    Answer the day of the month

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer dayOfMonth ()
    dayOfWeek (line 726)

    Answer the day of the week

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer dayOfWeek ()
    dayOfWeekAbbreviation (line 738)

    Answer the day of the week abbreviation

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    string dayOfWeekAbbreviation ()
    dayOfWeekName (line 749)

    Answer the day of the week name

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    string dayOfWeekName ()
    dayOfYear (line 760)

    Answer the day of the year

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer dayOfYear ()
    daysInMonth (line 773)

    Answer the number of days in the month represented by the receiver.

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    ingteger daysInMonth ()
    daysInYear (line 785)

    Answer the number of days in the year represented by the receiver.

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    ingteger daysInYear ()
    daysLeftInYear (line 797)

    Answer the number of days in the year after the date of the receiver.

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    ingteger daysLeftInYear ()
    duration (line 808)

    Answer the duration of this object (always zero)

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    object Duration duration ()
    epoch (line 176)

    Answer a new instance representing the Squeak epoch: 1 January 1901

    • static:
    • since: 5/2/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime epoch ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    firstDayOfMonth (line 820)

    Answer the day-in-the-year of the first day of our month

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    integer firstDayOfMonth ()
    fromString (line 204)

    Answer a new instance represented by a string:

    • '-1199-01-05T20:33:14.321-05:00'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00000001+01:01'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00000001'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+01:57'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45-02:34'
    • ' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+00:00'
    • ' 1997-04-26T01:02:03+01:02:3'

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime fromString (string $aString, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • string $aString: The input string.
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    hmsString (line 833)

    Answer just 'hh:mm:ss'. This is equivalent to Squeak's printHMSOn: method.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string hmsString ()
    hour (line 850)

    Answer the hours (0-23)

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer hour ()
    hour12 (line 874)

    Answer an <integer> between 1 and 12, inclusive, representing the hour of the day in the 12-hour clock of the local time of the receiver.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    integer hour12 ()
    hour24 (line 861)

    Answer the hours (0-23)

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer hour24 ()
    isEqualTo (line 1163)

    comparand conforms to protocol DateAndTime, or can be converted into something that conforms.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    boolean isEqualTo (object $comparand)
    • object $comparand

    Redefinition of:
    Test if this is equal to aMagnitude.
    isLeapYear (line 888)

    Return if this year is a leap year

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    boolean isLeapYear ()
    isLessThan (line 1197)

    comparand conforms to protocol DateAndTime, or can be converted into something that conforms.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    boolean isLessThan (object $comparand)
    • object $comparand

    Redefinition of:
    Test if this is less than aMagnitude.
    julianDayNumber (line 899)

    Return the JulianDayNumber of this DateAndTime

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    integer julianDayNumber ()
    localOffset (line 126)

    Answer the duration we are offset from UTC

    • since: 5/3/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object Duration localOffset ()
    localTimeZone (line 139)

    Answer the local TimeZone

    • since: 5/3/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object Duration localTimeZone ()
    mdyString (line 1137)

    Print just the month, day, and year on aStream.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string mdyString ()
    meridianAbbreviation (line 910)

    Return the Meridian Abbreviation ('AM'/'PM')

    • since: 5/5/05
    • access: public
    string meridianAbbreviation ()
    middleOf (line 1433)

    Return a Timespan where the receiver is the middle of the Duration

    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object Timespan middleOf (object Duration $aDuration)
    midnight (line 235)

    Answer a new instance starting at midnight local time.

    • static:
    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime midnight ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    minus (line 1230)

    Subtract a Duration or DateAndTime.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    object minus (object $operand)
    • object $operand
    minute (line 922)

    Answer the miniute (0-59)

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer minute ()
    month (line 934)

    Answer the month

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer month ()
    monthAbbreviation (line 946)

    Answer the day of the week abbreviation

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    string monthAbbreviation ()
    monthIndex (line 957)

    Answer the index of the month.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer monthIndex ()
    monthName (line 968)

    Answer the name of the month.

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    string monthName ()
    noon (line 253)

    Answer a new instance starting at noon local time.

    • static:
    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime noon ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    now (line 271)

    Answer the current date and time.

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime now ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    offset (line 979)

    Answer the offset

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    object Duration offset ()
    plus (line 1267)

    Answer a new Duration whose our date + operand. The operand must implement asDuration().

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime plus (object $operand)
    • object $operand
    printableString (line 1013)

    Print as per ISO 8601 sections 5.3.3 and 5.4.1.

    If printLeadingSpaceToo is false, prints either: 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+ZZ:zz:z' (for positive years) or '-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+ZZ:zz:z' (for negative years)

    If printLeadingSpaceToo is true, prints either: ' YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+ZZ:zz:z' (for positive years) or '-YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s+ZZ:zz:z' (for negative years)

    This is equivalent to Squeak's printOn:withLeadingSpace: method.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string printableString ([mixed $printLeadingSpaceToo = FALSE])

    Redefinition of:
    Answer a String whose characters are a description of the receiver.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    second (line 990)

    Answer the second (0-59)

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer second ()
    ticks (line 638)

    Private - answer an array with our instance variables. Assumed to be UTC

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: private
    array ticks ()
    ticksOffset (line 598)

    Initialize this DateAndTime.

    ticks is {julianDayNumber. secondCount. nanoSeconds}

    • since: 5/2/05
    • access: private
    void ticksOffset (array $ticks, object Duration $utcOffset)
    timeZone (line 1042)

    Answer the Time Zone that corresponds to our offset.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    object TimeZone timeZone ()
    timeZoneAbbreviation (line 1065)

    Answer the TimeZone abbreviation.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string timeZoneAbbreviation ()
    timeZoneName (line 1077)

    Answer the TimeZone name.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string timeZoneName ()
    to (line 1469)

    Answer a Timespan. anEnd conforms to protocol DateAndTime or protocol Timespan

    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    toBy (line 1483)

    Answer a Timespan. anEnd conforms to protocol DateAndTime or protocol Timespan

    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object Schedule toBy (object DateAndTime $anEnd, object Duration $aDuration)
    today (line 289)

    Answer a new instance representing today

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime today ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    tomorrow (line 307)

    Answer a new instance representing tomorow

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime tomorrow ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    utcOffset (line 1500)

    Answer a <DateAndTime> equivalent to the receiver but offset from UTC by aDuration. This will convert the recievers time, to the time at anOffset; i.e. 11am at UTC-05:00 would become 9am at UTC-7:00 when -7 hours is passed as the offset.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime utcOffset (mixed $anOffset, object Duration $aDuration)
    withDateAndTime (line 327)

    Create a new instance from Date and Time objects

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withDateAndTime (optional $aDate, mixed $aTime, [mixed $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $aDate: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withJulianDayNumber (line 346)

    Create a new new instance for a given Julian Day Number.

    • static:
    • since: 5/2/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withJulianDayNumber (integer $aJulianDayNumber, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $aJulianDayNumber
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withOffset (line 1454)

    Answer a <DateAndTime> equivalent to the receiver but offset from UTC by aDuration. This will not convert the recievers time, merely change the offset to anOffset; i.e. 11am at UTC-05:00 would become 11am at UTC-7:00 when -7 hours is passed as the offset.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withOffset (mixed $anOffset, object Duration $aDuration)
    withYearDay (line 375)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    void withYearDay (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntDayOfYear
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearDayHourMinuteSecond (line 397)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withYearDayHourMinuteSecond (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntDayOfYear
    • integer $anIntHour
    • integer $anIntMinute
    • integer $anIntSecond
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (line 422)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withYearDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntDayOfYear, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, object Duration $aDurationOffset, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntDayOfYear
    • integer $anIntHour
    • integer $anIntMinute
    • integer $anIntSecond
    • object Duration $aDurationOffset
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearMonthDay (line 445)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    void withYearMonthDay (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntOrStringMonth
    • integer $anIntDay
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearMonthDayHourMinute (line 470)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinute (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntOrStringMonth
    • integer $anIntDay
    • integer $anIntHour
    • integer $anIntMinute
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond (line 496)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntOrStringMonth
    • integer $anIntDay
    • integer $anIntHour
    • integer $anIntMinute
    • integer $anIntSecond
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (line 523)

    Create a new instance.

    • since: 5/4/05
    • static:
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime withYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondOffset (integer $anIntYear, integer $anIntOrStringMonth, integer $anIntDay, integer $anIntHour, integer $anIntMinute, integer $anIntSecond, object Duration $aDurationOffset, [optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • integer $anIntYear
    • integer $anIntOrStringMonth
    • integer $anIntDay
    • integer $anIntHour
    • integer $anIntMinute
    • integer $anIntSecond
    • object Duration $aDurationOffset
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    year (line 1089)

    Answer the year

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: public
    integer year ()
    yesterday (line 575)

    Answer a new instance representing yesterday

    • static:
    • since: 5/12/05
    • access: public
    object DateAndTime yesterday ([optional $class = 'DateAndTime'])
    • optional $class: string $class DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF PACKAGE. This parameter is used to get around the limitations of not being able to find the class of the object that recieved the initial method call.

    Redefined in descendants as:
    ymdString (line 1108)

    Print just the year, month, and day on aStream.

    If printLeadingSpaceToo is true, then print as: ' YYYY-MM-DD' (if the year is positive) or '-YYYY-MM-DD' (if the year is negative) otherwise print as: 'YYYY-MM-DD' or '-YYYY-MM-DD'

    This is equivalent to Squeak's printYMDOn:withLeadingSpace: method.

    • since: 5/10/05
    • access: public
    string ymdString ([mixed $printLeadingSpaceToo = FALSE])
    _normalize (line 619)

    Normalize tick values to make things like "2 days, 35 hours" into "3 days, 9 hours".

    • since: 5/3/05
    • access: private
    void _normalize (array $ticks, integer $i, integer $base)
    • array $ticks
    • integer $i: The index of the array to normalize.
    • integer $base: The base to normalize to.

    Inherited Methods

    Inherited From Magnitude


    Inherited From SObject


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