A generic queue of objects. It provides iterator functions next() and hasNext().
Located in /harmoni/core/utilities/Queue.class.php (line 14)
The position in the array of the next element of the queue that will be returned when next() is called.
An array used to store the elements of the queue.
The order of extraction from the queue.
Indicates whether the order in which objects are extracted from the queue is FIFO ($_reversed = false) or FILO ($_reversed = true).
The start position of the queue in the array. In a reversed queue, this would be the last element of the array. In a normal queue, this would equal zero.
Constructor. Create a new Queue.
Add an object to the queue. The queue is automatically rewound at the end.
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:25:45 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3