An ArgumentRenderer provides functionallity to print/render/format a list of arguments.
An ArgumentRenderer provides functionallity to print/render/format a list of arguments.
Located in /harmoni/core/utilities/ArgumentRenderer.class.php (line 16)
Renders many arguments.
Renders many arguments by printing their types and values and comma delimiting them. In 'detailed' mode, includes some additional information (i.e., for arrays, prints all elements of the array; for objects, prints the object structure).
Renders one argument.
Renders one argument by printing its type and value. In 'detailed' mode, includes some additional information (i.e., for arrays, prints all elements of the array; for objects, prints the object structure).
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:21:30 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3