The LanguageLocalizer is a class that handles the organization or strings and other data for multiple languages.
Located in /harmoni/core/languageLocalizer/LanguageLocalizer.class.php (line 14)
The constructor.
Add a new application to the LanguageLocalizer.
The first application added will be the default textdomain. To use language files in other textdomains use the PHP textdomain() function as follows:
< ? $defaultTextDomain = textdomain(); textdomain("myAppName");
... print _("My nice string"); print _("Some other stuff."); ...
textdomain($defaultTextDomain); ? >
To create the localized binary hashes, the following steps need to be followed:
Assign the configuration of this Manager. Valid configuration options are as
follows: default_language string (ex: 'en_US') applications array of strings ( application_name => language_file_directory, ..., ..., )
Assign the context of this OsidManager.
Return an array of availible languages. The keys are the language codes
and the values are a UTF-8 encoded string representation of the language name (eg. "en_US" => "English - US", "es_ES" => "Espa–ol - Espa–a", "es_MX" => "Espa–ol - Mˇxico")
Sets the codeset to use for charactor encoding. UTF-8 is used by default.
Sets the language to use for getting data to $language.
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:24:47 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3