Class MySQLInsertQueryResult


Implements interfaces:

The InsertQueryResult interface provides the functionality common to all INSERT query results.

For example, you can get the primary key for the last insertion, get number of inserted rows, etc.

  • version: $Id: MySQLInsertQueryResult.class.php,v 1.6 2007/09/05 21:39:00 adamfranco Exp $
  • license: GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • copyright: Copyright © 2005, Middlebury College

Located in /harmoni/core/DBHandler/MySQL/MySQLInsertQueryResult.class.php (line 26)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
object MySQLINSERTQueryResult MySQLInsertQueryResult (integer $linkId)
integer getNumberOfRows ()
integer $_lastAutoIncrementValue (line 45)

Gets the last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.

Gets the last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.

  • var: The last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.
  • access: private
mixed $_linkId (line 37)

The link identifier for the database connection.

The link identifier for the database connection.

  • access: private
integer $_numberOfRows (line 53)

Stores the number of rows processed by the query.

Stores the number of rows processed by the query.

  • var: The number of rows processed by the query.
  • access: private
Constructor MySQLInsertQueryResult (line 63)

Creates a new MySQLINSERTQueryResult object.

Creates a new MySQLINSERTQueryResult object.

  • return: A new MySQLINSERTQueryResult object.
  • access: public
object MySQLINSERTQueryResult MySQLInsertQueryResult (integer $linkId)
  • integer $linkId: The link identifier for the database connection.
getLastAutoIncrementValue (line 87)

Gets the last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.

Gets the last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.

  • return: The last auto increment value that was generated by the INSERT query.
  • access: public
integer getLastAutoIncrementValue ()
getNumberOfRows (line 100)

Returns the number of rows that the query processed.

Returns the number of rows that the query processed. For a SELECT query, this would be the total number of rows selected. For a DELETE, UPDATE, or INSERT query, this would be the number of rows that were affected.

  • return: Number of rows that were processed by the query.
  • access: public
integer getNumberOfRows ()

Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:25:11 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3