Search criteria are used when fetching a large number of Records but you want to limit those down to ones that only match certain criteria. Criteria could hypothetically be anything imaginable, as long as they can be represented within an SQL query.
Located in /harmoni/core/dataManager/search/SearchCriteria.interface.php (line 57)
Class | Description |
ActiveRecordsSearch | Limits a search to exclude all inactive Records. |
FieldValueSearch | Searches for only Records that contain a certain field=value pair. |
MultipleCriteriaSearch | An abstract class on which to build Criteria that are made up of multiple other search criteria objects. |
SchemaSearch | Limits a search to exclude all other Schemas except the one specified. |
Returns an array of new IDs, giving the criteria the opportunity to do post-processing if that is desired. If no post-processing is to be done, it should return what is passed.
Returns a string with what will end up part of an SQL query in the WHERE clause.
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:26:20 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3