Class BrowseHistoryManager


Keeps track of the last important page the user visited, and returns them there when called upon to do so.

  • version: $Id: BrowseHistoryManager.class.php,v 1.7 2007/09/04 20:25:30 adamfranco Exp $
  • license: GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • copyright: Copyright © 2005, Middlebury College

Located in /harmoni/core/architecture/harmoni/BrowseHistoryManager.class.php (line 15)

Method Summary
object URLWriter getReturnURL (string $operation)
void goBack (string $operation)
void markReturnURL (string $operation, [optional $arg = null])
getReturnURL (line 70)

Answer a marked url

  • since: 6/7/05
  • access: public
object URLWriter getReturnURL (string $operation)
  • string $operation: The name of the operation under which the URL is stored.
goBack (line 56)

Sends the browser to the last URL marked with BrowseHistoryManager::markReturnURL.

  • access: public
void goBack (string $operation)
  • string $operation: The name of the operation under which the URL is stored.
markReturnURL (line 33)

Marks the current return-point after an operation has completed. The function can take three forms:

void markReturnURL(string $op) - takes the current URL from Harmoni::request void markReturnURL(string $op, string $url) - take a URL as a string void markReturnURL(string $op, URLWriter $obj) - takes a URLWriter object and creates the URL from that

  • access: public
void markReturnURL (string $operation, [optional $arg = null])
  • string $operation: The label (or operation) under which to store the URL. Later, a script may call goBack($operation) to return the browser to this URL.
  • optional $arg: mixed $arg Either a string, an object (URLWriter), or nothing.

Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:21:51 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3