The FlatFileActionSource class allows one to execute Harmoni actions (see ActionHandler) which are contained within
flat files. Modules exist as folders on the file system, and actions exist as PHP source files within those folders. They may be organized like so: <p> basepath/user/login.act.php basepath/user/logout.act.php basepath/main/welcome.act.php <p> In this example, the base path would be "basepath/", and the actions file extension would be ".act.php".
Located in /harmoni/core/actionHandler/actionSources/FlatFileActionSource.class.php (line 23)
ActionSource | --FlatFileActionSource
Checks to see if a given modules/action pair exists for execution within this source.
Executes the specified action in the specified module, using the Harmoni object as a base.
Makes a full pathname to an action file.
Inherited From ActionSource
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:23:17 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3