Documentation is available at WGUIComponent.abstract.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @since 8/14/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WGUIComponent.abstract.php,v 1.3 2007/09/19 14:04:45 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- /**
- * This class is an abstract class for associating StyleComponents with a wizard component.
- *
- * @since 8/14/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WGUIComponent.abstract.php,v 1.3 2007/09/19 14:04:45 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- class WGUIComponent
- extends WizardComponent
- {
- var $_wizardComponent;
- var $_getThemeCallBack;
- var $_collection;
- var $_property;
- var $_component;
- /**
- *The default value passed in with the StyleProperty
- */
- var $_defValue;
- /**
- * Initialize all the variables. Should be called last in the constructor.
- * Requires that the collection and theme are created
- */
- function init ($callBack, $collectionSelector, $styleProperty, $componentClass) {
- //set various variables
- $this->_getThemeCallBack = $callBack;
- $this->_collection = $collectionSelector;
- $this->_property = $styleProperty->getName();
- $this->_component = $componentClass;
- //get the colelction
- $collection =$this->getStyleCollection();
- //get the property, using the default one, if need be. Then check to make sure we've succeeded.
- $property =$collection->getStyleProperty($this->_property);
- if(is_null($property)){
- $collection->addSP($styleProperty);
- $property =$styleProperty;
- }
- $rule = ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("StyleProperty");
- if(!$rule->check($property)){
- throwError(new Error("Failed to get StyleProperty","GUIWizardComponents",true));
- }
- //get the first value in case the next value is not legitamate
- $componentTemp =$styleProperty->getStyleComponent($componentClass);
- $rule = ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("StyleComponent");
- if(!$rule->check($componentTemp)){
- throwError(new Error("Passed in Style property must have a component of given class, '".$componentClass."'","GUIWizardComponents",true));
- }
- $this->_defaultValue = $componentTemp->getValue();
- if(!$this->isPossibleValue($this->_defaultValue)){
- throwError(new Error("Passed in StyleComponent must have an acceptable value for the WizardComponent.","GUIWizardComponents",true));
- }
- //get the component, using the default one, if need be. Then check to make sure we've succeeded.
- $component =$property->getStyleComponent($this->_component);
- if(is_null($component)){
- $property->addSC($styleProperty->getStyleProperty($componentClass));
- }
- $this->importValue();
- }
- function useDefaultValue(){
- $this->_wizardComponent->setValue($this->_defValue);
- //@todo this actually could destroy styles made elsewhere. Of course if we don't update immeadiately, the next pageload will probably update anyway. Is there a good way to fix this?
- $this->exportValue();
- }
- function getStyleComponent(){
- //eval('$theme = '.$this->_getThemeCallBack."();");
- //$collection =$theme->getStyleCollection($this->_collection);eval('$theme = '.$this->_getThemeCallBack."();");
- $collection =$this->getStyleCollection();
- $property =$collection->getStyleProperty($this->_property);
- return $property->getStyleComponent($this->_component);
- }
- function getStyleCollection(){
- eval('$theme = '.$this->_getThemeCallBack."();");
- $rule = ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("Theme");
- if(!$rule->check($theme)){
- throwError(new Error("Callback ".$this->_getThemeCallBack."() did not return a theme ","GUIWizardComponents",true));
- }
- $collection =$theme->getStyleCollection($this->_collection);
- $rule = ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("StyleCollection");
- if(!$rule->check($collection)){
- throwError(new Error("Theme ".$theme->getDisplayName()." did not have StyleCollection ".$this->_collection,"GUIWizardComponents",true));
- }
- return $collection;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this component (and all child components if applicable) have valid values.
- * By default, this will just return TRUE.
- * @access public
- * @return boolean
- */
- function validate () {
- return $this->_wizardComponent->validate();
- }
- /**
- * Tells the wizard component to update itself - this may include getting
- * form post data or validation - whatever this particular component wants to
- * do every pageload.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return boolean - TRUE if everything is OK
- */
- function update ($fieldName) {
- $this->_wizardComponent->update($fieldName);
- //$styleComponent =$this->getStyleComponent();
- //$val = $this->getAllValues();
- /*$rule =$styleComponent->getRule();
- if($rule->check($val)){
- $styleComponent->setValue($val);
- }else{
- print "<br />failed: '".$val."'!";
- }*/
- //$styleComponent->setValue($val);
- $this->exportValue();
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * copy the value of the Wizard component to the StyleComponent
- */
- function exportValue(){
- die ("Method <b>".__FUNCTION__."()</b> declared in interface<b> ".__CLASS__."</b> has not been overloaded in a child class.");
- }
- /**
- * copy the value from the StyleComponent to the wizard component
- */
- function importValue(){
- $styleComponent =$this->getStyleComponent();
- $val = $styleComponent->getValue();
- if($this->isPossibleValue($val)){
- $this->_wizardComponent->setValue($val);
- }else{
- $this->useDefaultValue();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Is $value a legitamate value for this wizard component?
- *
- * @param string $value the value to test
- * @return boolean if the value is legitimate
- */
- function isPossibleValue($value){
- die ("Method <b>".__FUNCTION__."()</b> declared in interface<b> ".__CLASS__."</b> has not been overloaded in a child class.");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the values of wizard-components. It may return the value of the
- * wizard component, but this may be overridden.
- *
- * @access public
- * @return mixed
- */
- function getAllValues () {
- $ret = $this->_wizardComponent->getAllValues();
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a block of XHTML-valid code that contains markup for this specific
- * component.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function getMarkup ($fieldName) {
- $s="";
- $s.= $this->_wizardComponent->getMarkup($fieldName);
- return $s;
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:28:00 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3