Documentation is available at WStyleProperty.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @since 8/09/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WStyleProperty.class.php,v 1.3 2007/09/19 14:04:46 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- require_once(POLYPHONY.'/main/library/Wizard/WizardComponentWithChildren.abstract.php');
- /**
- * This class allows for the creation of a StyleProperty GUI Wizard Component.
- *
- * @since 8/09/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WStyleProperty.class.php,v 1.3 2007/09/19 14:04:46 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- class WStyleProperty
- extends WizardComponentWithChildren
- {
- var $_wizardComponent;
- var $_getThemeCallBack;
- var $_collection;
- var $_property;
- function WStyleProperty ($callBack, $property, $collection) {
- $this->_getThemeCallBack = $callBack;
- $this->_collection = $collection;
- $this->_property = $property;
- $styleProperty =$this->getStyleProperty();
- // the list of existing SCs
- $scs =$styleProperty->getSCs();
- $i =0;
- foreach (array_keys($scs) as $key) {
- $class = get_class($scs[$key]);
- $scComp = new WStyleComponent($this->_getThemeCallBack, $class ,$styleProperty->getName(),$collection,true);
- $this->addComponent("comp".$i, $scComp);
- $i++;
- }
- /*
- $empties = array_diff($scList, array_keys($scs));
- // for each SC not populated create their options too
- foreach ($empties as $empty) {
- $emptySC = new $empty();
- $emptyComp = new WStyleComponent($emptySC,true);
- $wizSP->addComponent("comp".$i, $emptyComp);
- // table row [displayName][input][description]
- $s.= "<tr><td>".$emptySC->getDisplayName().":</td>";
- $s.= "<td>[["."comp".$i."]]</td>";
- $s.= "<td>".$emptySC->getDescription()."</td></tr>";
- $i++;
- }
- */
- }
- function getStyleProperty(){
- eval('$theme = '.$this->_getThemeCallBack."();");
- $collection =$theme->getStyleCollection($this->_collection);
- return $collection->getStyleProperty($this->_property);
- }
- /*
- $wizSP = new WizardStep();
- // the list of existing SCs
- $scs =$this->getSCs();
- // the list of SC types for this SP
- $scList = $this->getSCList();
- ob_start();
- print "<table border=1>";
- // for each existing SC built request an input for it
- $i = 0;
- foreach (array_keys($scs) as $key) {
- $class = get_class($scs[$key]);
- //printpre($scs);
- //print " $key>-->'".$class."' ";
- $scComp = new WStyleComponent($callBack, $class ,$this->getName(),$collection,true);
- $wizSP->addComponent("comp".$i, $scComp);
- // table row [displayName][input][description]
- print "<tr><td>".$scs[$key]->getDisplayName().":</td>";
- print "<td>[["."comp".$i."]]</td>";
- print "<td>".$scs[$key]->getDescription()."</td></tr>";
- $i++;
- }
- $empties = array_diff($scList, array_keys($scs));
- // for each SC not populated create their options too
- foreach ($empties as $empty) {
- $emptySC = new $empty();
- $emptyComp = new WStyleComponent($emptySC,true);
- $wizSP->addComponent("comp".$i, $emptyComp);
- // table row [displayName][input][description]
- print "<tr><td>".$emptySC->getDisplayName().":</td>";
- print "<td>[["."comp".$i."]]</td>";
- print "<td>".$emptySC->getDescription()."</td></tr>";
- $i++;
- }
- print "</table>";
- $wizSP->setContent(ob_get_clean());
- return $wizSP;
- */
- /**
- * Tells the wizard component to update itself - this may include getting
- * form post data or validation - whatever this particular component wants to
- * do every pageload.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return boolean - TRUE if everything is OK
- */
- function update ($fieldName) {
- $children =$this->getChildren();
- $ok = true;
- foreach (array_keys($children) as $key) {
- if(is_null($children[$key])){
- printpre(array_keys($children));
- print $key;
- throwError(new Error("prob",""));
- }
- if (!$children[$key]->update($fieldName."_".$key)) {
- $ok = false;
- }
- }
- return $ok;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this component (and all child components if applicable) have valid values.
- * By default, this will just return TRUE.
- *
- * @access public
- * @return boolean
- */
- function validate () {
- $children =$this->getChildren();
- foreach (array_keys($children) as $step) {
- if (!$children[$step]->validate()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a block of XHTML-valid code that contains markup for this specific
- * component.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function getMarkup ($fieldName) {
- $styleProperty =$this->getStyleProperty();
- // the list of existing SCs
- $scs =$styleProperty->getSCs();
- // the list of SC types for this SP
- $scList = $styleProperty->getSCList();
- $s = "";
- $s.= "<table border=1>";
- // for each existing SC built request an input for it
- $i = 0;
- $children =$this->getChildren();
- foreach ($children as $key=>$child) {
- $sc =$child->getStyleComponent();
- // table row [displayName][input][description]
- $s.= "<tr><td>".$sc->getDisplayName().":</td>";
- $s.= "<td>".$child->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$key)."</td>";
- $s.= "<td>".$sc->getDescription()."</td></tr>";
- }
- /*
- $empties = array_diff($scList, array_keys($scs));
- // for each SC not populated create their options too
- foreach ($empties as $empty) {
- $emptySC = new $empty();
- $emptyComp = new WStyleComponent($emptySC,true);
- $wizSP->addComponent("comp".$i, $emptyComp);
- // table row [displayName][input][description]
- $s.= "<tr><td>".$emptySC->getDisplayName().":</td>";
- $s.= "<td>[["."comp".$i."]]</td>";
- $s.= "<td>".$emptySC->getDescription()."</td></tr>";
- $i++;
- }*/
- $s.= "</table>";
- return $s;
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:28:22 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3