Documentation is available at WTextLayoutEditor.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @since 8/15/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WTextLayoutEditor.class.php,v 1.4 2007/09/19 14:04:45 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- /**
- * This class allows for the modification of the layout of a font.
- *
- * @since 8/09/2006
- * @package polyphony.guiwizardcomponents
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: WTextLayoutEditor.class.php,v 1.4 2007/09/19 14:04:45 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- class WTextLayoutEditor
- extends WMoreOptions
- {
- var $_callBack;
- var $_collectionName;
- var $_thingsToApplyCollectionTo;
- /**
- * It is important to know that the $thingsToApplyCollectionTo is an array
- * of arrays. Each array should have two elements--an index at 'index', and
- * a type at 'type.' types might be MENU, BLOCK, HEADING and so forth.
- */
- function WTextLayoutEditor ($callBack, $collectionName, $thingsToApplyCollectionTo) {
- $this->init();
- $this->_callBack =$callBack;
- $this->_collectionName =$collectionName;
- $this->_thingsToApplyCollectionTo = $thingsToApplyCollectionTo;
- $this->rebuildContent();
- }
- /**
- * Make everything
- */
- function rebuildContent(){
- $callBack = $this->_callBack;
- $collectionName = $this->_collectionName;
- $thingsToApplyCollectionTo = $this->_thingsToApplyCollectionTo;
- //get the theme
- eval('$theme = '.$callBack."();");
- if(!is_object($theme)){
- return;
- }
- $align = GUIComponentUtility::makeAlignArray();
- $textSpacing = GUIComponentUtility::makeSpacingArray();
- $lineSpacing = GUIComponentUtility::makeLineSpacingArray();
- $marginArray = GUIComponentUtility::makeMarginAndPaddingArray();
- $collectionSelector1 = "*.".$collectionName;
- //first style collection
- if(!$theme->getStyleCollection($collectionSelector1)){
- $styleCollection1 = new StyleCollection($collectionSelector1, $collectionName,"Text Properties", "How would you like your text to look?".$collectionName);
- foreach($thingsToApplyCollectionTo as $arr){
- $theme->addStyleForComponentType($styleCollection1,$arr['type'],$arr['index']);
- }
- }
- //first style collection GUI elements
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new TextAlignSP("left"),"TextAlignSC",$align,"text-align");
- $this->addComponent('align',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new LetterSpacingSP("normal"),"TextSpacingSC",$textSpacing,"letter-spacing");
- $this->addComponent('letterSpace',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new WordSpacingSP("normal"),"TextSpacingSC",$textSpacing,false);
- $this->addComponent('wordSpace',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new LineHeightSP("normal"),"LineHeightSC",$lineSpacing,false);
- $this->addComponent('lineSpace',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new PaddingTopSP("0px"),"LengthSC",$marginArray,false);
- $this->addComponent('p_top',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new PaddingBottomSP("0px"),"LengthSC",$marginArray,false);
- $this->addComponent('p_bottom',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new PaddingLeftSP("0px"),"LengthSC",$marginArray,false);
- $this->addComponent('p_left',$comp);
- $comp = new WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector1,new PaddingRightSP("0px"),"LengthSC",$marginArray,false);
- $this->addComponent('p_right',$comp);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a block of XHTML-valid code that contains markup for this specific
- * component.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function getMarkup ($fieldName) {
- //make sure we're current with the theme
- $this->rebuildContent();
- $s="";
- $s.="\n<table border='1' width='100%'>";
- $s.="\n\t<tr><td>";
- $s.="\n<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='5'>";
- $s.="\n\t<tr>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Text Align: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'align');
- $s.="\n\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Line Spacing: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'lineSpace');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\n\t\t<td>More Text layout options: ".$this->getCheckboxMarkup($fieldName)."</td>";
- $s.="\n\t</tr>";
- $s.="\n</table>";
- $s.="\n\t</td></tr><tr><td>";
- $s.= $this->getOptionalComponentsMarkup($fieldName);
- $s.="\n\t</td></tr></table>";
- return $s;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a block of XHTML-valid code that contains markup for the "advanced"
- * options.
- * @param string $fieldName The field name to use when outputting form data or
- * similar parameters/information.
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function advancedMarkup ($fieldName) {
- $s="";
- $s.="\n<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='5'>";
- $s.="\n\t<tr>";
- $s.="\t\t<td width>Space between letters: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'letterSpace');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\t\t<td width>Space between words: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'wordSpace');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\n\t</tr><tr>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Top Padding: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'p_top');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Bottom Padding: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'p_bottom');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\n\t</tr><tr>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Left Padding: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'p_left');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\t\t<td>Right Padding: ";
- $comp =$this->getChild($name = 'p_right');
- $s.="\t\t".$comp->getMarkup($fieldName."_".$name)."</td>";
- $s.="\n\t</tr><tr>";
- $s.="\n\t</tr>";
- $s.="\n</table>";
- return $s;
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:28:25 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3