Documentation is available at CourseSection.class.php
- <?php
- require_once(OKI2."/osid/coursemanagement/CourseSection.php");
- /**
- * CourseSection is associated with a CourseOffering and is has a separate
- * roster and possibly a separate SectionType from any other Sections of the
- * Offering. CanonicalCourse contains general information about a course.
- * This is in contrast to the CourseOffering which contains information about
- * a concrete offering of this course in a specific term and with identified
- * people and roles. The section includes information about the location of
- * the class as well as the roster of students. CanonicalCourses can contain
- * other CanonicalCourses and may be organized hierarchically, in schools,
- * departments, for majors, and so on. For each CanonicalCourse, there are
- * zero or more offerings and for each offering, zero or more sections. All
- * three levels have separate data for Title, Number, Description, and Id.
- * This information can be the same or different as implementations choose and
- * applications require.
- *
- * <p>
- * OSID Version: 2.0
- * </p>
- *
- * @package harmoni.osid_v2.coursemanagement
- *
- * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Middlebury College
- * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
- *
- * @version $Id: CourseSection.class.php,v 1.26 2007/09/04 20:25:39 adamfranco Exp $
- */
- class HarmoniCourseSection
- extends CourseSection
- {
- /**
- * @variable object $_node the node in the hierarchy.
- * @access private
- * @variable object $_id the unique id for the course section.
- * @access private
- * @variable object $_table the course section table.
- * @access private
- * @variable object Id $_canonicalCoursesId the hierarchy
- * @access private
- ***/
- var $_node;
- var $_id;
- var $_table;
- var $_hierarchy;
- /**
- * The constructor.
- *
- * @param object Id $id
- * @param object Node $node
- *
- * @access public
- * @return void
- */
- function HarmoniCourseSection($id, $node)
- {
- $this->_id =$id;
- $this->_node =$node;
- $this->_table = 'cm_section';
- $cm = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- $this->_hierarchy =$cm->_hierarchy;
- }
- /**
- * Update the title for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param string $title
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateTitle ( $title ) {
- $this->_setField('title',$title);
- }
- /**
- * Update the number for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param string $number
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateNumber ( $number ) {
- $this->_setField('number',$number);
- }
- /**
- * Update the description for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param string $description
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateDescription ( $description ) {
- $this->_node->updateDescription($description );
- }
- /**
- * Update the display name for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param string $displayName
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateDisplayName ( $displayName ) {
- $this->_node->updateDisplayName($displayName );
- }
- /**
- * Update the location may be a room address, a map, or any other object.
- *
- * @param object mixed $location (original type:
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateLocation ( $location ) {
- $this->_setField('location',$location);
- }
- /**
- * Get the title for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return string
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getTitle () {
- return $this->_getField('title');
- }
- /**
- * Get the number for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return string
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getNumber () {
- return $this->_getField('number');
- }
- /**
- * Get the description for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return string
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getDescription () {
- return $this->_node->getDescription();
- }
- /**
- * Get the display name for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return string
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getDisplayName () {
- return $this->_node->getDisplayName();
- }
- /**
- * Get the unique Id for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object Id
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getId () {
- return $this->_id;
- }
- /**
- * Get the Section Type for this CourseSection. This Type is meaningful to
- * the implementation and applications and are not specified by the OSID.
- *
- * @return object Type
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getSectionType () {
- return $this->_getType('section');
- }
- /**
- * Get the Schedule for this Section. Schedules are defined in scheduling
- * OSID. ScheduleItems are returned in chronological order by increasing
- * start date.
- *
- * @return object ScheduleItemIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getSchedule () {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_schedule');
- $query->addTable('sc_item',INNER_JOIN,'cm_schedule.fk_sc_item =');
- $query->addColumn('cm_schedule.fk_sc_item');
- $query->addWhere("cm_schedule.fk_id='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addOrderBy('sc_item.start');
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- $array=array();
- $sm = Services::getService("SchedulingManager");
- $idManager = Services::getService("IdManager");
- while($res->hasMoreRows()){
- $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
- $res->advanceRow();
- $id =$idManager->getId($row['fk_sc_item']);
- $si =$sm->getScheduleItem($id);
- $array[] =$si;
- }
- $ret = new HarmoniScheduleItemIterator($array);
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Get the location may be a room address, a map, or any other object.
- *
- * @return object mixed (original type:
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getLocation () {
- $location = $this->_getField('location');
- return $location;
- }
- /**
- * Get the Status for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object Type
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getStatus () {
- return $this->_getType('section_stat');
- }
- /**
- * Get all the Property Types for CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object TypeIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getPropertyTypes () {
- $courseType =$this->getSectionType();
- $propType = new Type("PropertiesType", $courseType->getAuthority(), "properties");
- $array = array($propType);
- $typeIterator = new HarmoniTypeIterator($array);
- return $typeIterator;
- }
- /**
- * Get the Properties associated with this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object PropertiesIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getProperties () {
- $array = array($this->_getProperties());
- $ret = new HarmoniPropertiesIterator($array);
- return $ret;//return the iterator
- }
- /**
- * Get the CourseOffering that contains this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object CourseOffering
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getCourseOffering () {
- $nodeIterator =$this->_node->getParents();
- if(!$nodeIterator->hasNextNode()){
- print "<b>Warning!</b> Course Section ".$this->getDisplayName()." has no Course Offering Parent.";
- return null;
- }
- $parentNode =$nodeIterator->nextNode();
- $cm = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm -> getCourseOffering($parentNode->getID());
- }
- /**
- * Add an Asset for this CourseSection. Does nothing if the course has a
- * single copy of the asset and prints a warning if there is more than one
- * copy of that asset in one course.
- *
- * @param object Id $assetId
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#ALREADY_ADDED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function addAsset ( $assetId ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_assets');
- $query->addWhere("fk_course_id='".$this->_id->getIdString()."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_asset_id='".addslashes($assetId->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addColumn('fk_course_id');//@TODO We don't need fk_course_id here--we only want to check to see if that asset is already there.
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- if($res->getNumberOfRows()==0){
- $query= new InsertQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_assets');
- $values[]="'".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'";
- $values[]="'".addslashes($assetId->getIdString())."'";
- $query->setColumns(array('fk_course_id','fk_asset_id'));
- $query->addRowOfValues($values);
- $result =$dbManager->query($query);
- }elseif($res->getNumberOfRows()==1){
- //do nothing
- }else{
- print "\n<b>Warning!<\b> The asset with course ".$this->getDisplayName()." and id ".$assetId->getIdString()." is not unique--there are ".$res->getNumberOfRows()." copies.\n";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Remove an Asset for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param object Id $assetId
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_ID
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function removeAsset ( $assetId ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new DeleteQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_assets');
- $query->addWhere("fk_course_id='".$this->_id->getIdString()."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_asset_id='".addslashes($assetId->getIdString())."'");
- $dbManager->query($query);
- }
- /**
- * Get the Assets associated with this CourseSection.
- *
- * @return object IdIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getAssets () {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_assets');
- $query->addWhere("fk_course_id='".$this->_id->getIdString()."'");
- $query->addColumn('fk_asset_id');
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- $array=array();
- $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
- while($res->hasMoreRows()){
- $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
- $res->advanceRow();
- $array[]=$idManager->getId($row['fk_asset_id']);
- }
- $ret = new HarmoniIdIterator($array);
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Update the Schedule for this Section. Schedules are defined in
- * scheduling OSID.
- *
- * @param object ScheduleItem[] $scheduleItems
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateSchedule ( $scheduleItems ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new DeleteQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_schedule');
- $query->addWhere('fk_id='.addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()));
- $dbManager->query($query);
- /*
- $query= new InsertQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_schedule');
- $query->setColumns(array('fk_id','fk_sc_item'));
- $idString = "'".addslashes($id->getIdString())."'";
- //iterate through array
- foreach($schedule as $scheduleItem){
- $values = array();
- $values[]= $idString;
- $scheduleId =$scheduleItem->getId();
- $values[]="'".addslashes($scheduleId->getIdString())."'";
- $query->addRowOfValues($values);
- }
- $dbManager->query($query);
- */
- //query
- $query= new InsertQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_schedule');
- $query->setColumns(array('fk_id','fk_sc_item'));
- $idString = "'".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'";
- //iterate through array
- foreach($scheduleItems as $scheduleItem){
- $values = array();
- $values[]= $idString;
- $id =$scheduleItem->getId();
- $values[]="'".addslashes($id->getIdString())."'";
- $query->addRowOfValues($values);
- }
- $dbManager->query($query);
- }
- /**
- * Add a student to the roster and assign the specified Enrollment Status
- * Type.
- *
- * @param object Id $agentId
- * @param object Type $enrollmentStatusType
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
- * UNKNOWN_TYPE}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#ALREADY_ADDED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function addStudent ( $agentId, $enrollmentStatusType ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_enroll');
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_student_id='".addslashes($agentId->getIdString())."'");
- //I don't need Id, but I need to select something for the query to work
- $query->addColumn('id');
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- if($res->getNumberOfRows()==0){
- $typeIndex = $this->_typeToIndex('enroll_stat',$enrollmentStatusType);
- $query= new InsertQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_enroll');
- $values[]="'".addslashes($agentId->getIdString())."'";
- $values[]="'".addslashes($typeIndex)."'";
- $values[]="'".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'";
- $query->setColumns(array('fk_student_id','fk_cm_enroll_stat_type','fk_cm_section'));
- $query->addRowOfValues($values);
- $query->setAutoIncrementColumn('id','id_sequence');
- $dbManager->query($query);
- }else{
- print "<b>Warning!</b> Student with id ".$agentId->getIdString()." is already enrolled in section ".$this->getDisplayName().".";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Change the Enrollment Status Type for the student on the roster.
- *
- * @param object Id $agentId
- * @param object Type $enrollmentStatusType
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function changeStudent ( $agentId, $enrollmentStatusType ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_enroll');
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_student_id='".addslashes($agentId->getIdString())."'");
- //I don't need Id, but I need to select something for the query to work
- $query->addColumn('id');
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- if($res->getNumberOfRows()==0){
- throwError(new Error("Cannot change status of student [".$agentId->getIDString()."] because that student in not enrolled in the course[".$this->_id->getIdString()."]", "CourseManagement", true));
- }else if($res->getNumberOfRows()>1){
- print "<b>Warning!</b> Student with id ".$agentId->getIdString()." is already enrolled in section ".$this->getDisplayName()." twice.";
- }
- $typeIndex = $this->_typeToIndex('enroll_stat',$enrollmentStatusType);
- $query= new UpdateQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_enroll');
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_student_id='".addslashes($agentId->getIdString())."'");
- $query->setColumns(array('fk_cm_enroll_stat_type'));
- $query->setValues(array("'".addslashes($typeIndex)."'"));
- $dbManager->query($query);
- }
- /**
- * Remove a student from the roster.
- *
- * @param object Id $agentId
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_ID
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function removeStudent ( $agentId ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $query= new DeleteQuery;
- $query->setTable('cm_enroll');
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_student_id='".addslashes($agentId->getIdString())."'");
- $dbManager->query($query);
- }
- /**
- * Get the student roster.
- *
- * @return object EnrollmentRecordIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getRoster () {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $array=array();
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_enroll');
- //$query->addColumn('fk_student_id');
- $query->addColumn('id');
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- $idManager = Services::getService('IdManager');
- while($res->hasMoreRows()){
- $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
- $res->advanceRow();
- $array[] = new HarmoniEnrollmentRecord($idManager->getId($row['id']));
- }
- $ret = new HarmoniEnrollmentRecordIterator($array);
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Get the student roster. Include only students with the specified
- * Enrollment Status Type.
- *
- * @param object Type $enrollmentStatusType
- *
- * @return object EnrollmentRecordIterator
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getRosterByType ( $enrollmentStatusType ) {
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- $typeIndex = $this->_typeToIndex('enroll_stat',$enrollmentStatusType);
- $array=array();
- $query= new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_enroll');
- //$query->addColumn('fk_student_id');
- $query->addColumn('id');
- //$query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id)."'");
- $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."' AND fk_cm_enroll_stat_type='".addslashes($typeIndex)."'");
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- $idManager = Services::getService('IdManager');
- while($res->hasMoreRows()){
- $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
- $res->advanceRow();
- $array[] = new HarmoniEnrollmentRecord($idManager->getId($row['id']));
- }
- $ret = new HarmoniEnrollmentRecordIterator($array);
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Update the Status for this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param object Type $statusType
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function updateStatus ( $statusType ) {
- $this->_setField('fk_cm_section_stat_type',$this->_typeToIndex('section_stat',$statusType));
- }
- /**
- * Get the Properties of this Type associated with this CourseSection.
- *
- * @param object Type $propertiesType
- *
- * @return object Properties
- *
- * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
- * with one of the following messages defined in
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
- * thrown: {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
- * OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
- * PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
- * UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
- * NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link }
- * org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
- *
- * @access public
- */
- function getPropertiesByType ( $propertiesType ) {
- $courseType =$this->getSectionType();
- $propertiesType = new Type("PropertiesType", $courseType->getAuthority(), "properties");
- if($propertiesType->isEqualTo($propertiesType)){
- return $this->_getProperties();
- }
- return null;
- }
- function _getProperties(){
- $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
- //get the record
- $query = new SelectQuery;
- $query->addTable('cm_section');
- $query->addColumn("*");
- $query->addWhere("id='".addslashes($this->_id->getIdString())."'");
- $res=$dbManager->query($query);
- //make sure we can find that course
- if(!$res->hasMoreRows()){
- print "<b>Warning!</b> Can't get Properties of Course with id ".$this->_id." since that id wasn't found in the database.";
- return null;
- }
- $row = $res->getCurrentRow();//grab (hopefully) the only row
- //make a type
- $courseType =$this->getSectionType();
- $propertiesType = new Type("PropertiesType", $courseType->getAuthority(), "properties");
- //create a custom Properties object
- $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
- $property = new HarmoniProperties($propertiesType);
- $displayName = $this->_node->getDisplayName();
- $property->addProperty('display_name', $displayName);
- $property->addProperty('title', $row['title']);
- $description = $this->_node->getDescription();
- $property->addProperty('description',$description);
- $property->addProperty('id', $idManager->getId($row['id']));
- $property->addProperty('number', $row['number']);
- $property->addProperty('type', $courseType);
- $statusType =$this->getStatus();
- $property->addProperty('status_type', $statusType);
- $property->addProperty('location', $row['location']);
- $res->free();
- return $property;
- }
- function _typeToIndex($typename, $type)
- {
- $cm=Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm->_typeToIndex($typename, $type);
- }
- function _getTypes($typename)
- {
- $cm=Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm->_getTypes($typename);
- }
- function _getField($key)
- {
- $cm=Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm->_getField($this->_id, $this->_table, $key);
- }
- function _getType($typename){
- $cm=Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm->_getType($this->_id,$this->_table,$typename);
- }
- function _setField($key, $value)
- {
- $cm=Services::getService("CourseManagement");
- return $cm->_setField($this->_id,$this->_table,$key, $value);
- }
- }
- ?>
Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:22:22 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3